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I help leaders create intelligent organisations optimised to embrace increasing disruption. Here are some of the most popular ways I support clients in achieving their objectives.

Leadership development

I can support your leadership development initiatives, particularly in respect of raising awareness of how increasing disruption is creating chaotic situations for which traditional organisational models are ill-quipped to handle.

I also provide guidance on how to transition to a more adaptive model without threatening existing cashflows or unsettling the workforce.


The ​learning is reinforced and embedded through team-based activities.

Through my relationship with the University of Cambridge, I can also provide access to:

  • Complementary leadership experts.

  • Programme design and development capacity.

  • Learning facilities, including what can be termed the Cambridge experience.

Public speaking

I speak at events ranging from intimate CxO dinners through to arena-level conferences. I am often invited to be the opening keynoter in order to present the big picture by providing a zoom-out perspective on how the world is changing. This contextualises the event and elevates the tone of the subsequent participant discussions. 

My content usually involves one or more of the following themes:

  • Disruption

  • Adaptiveness

  • People

  • Technology

    • My perspectives on AI highlight that our concerns are misplaced, ie. there are reasons to be concerned, but not as portrayed by the media.​

  • Innovation

  • Intelligence 

  • Leadership.

Perhaps uniquely, I explore these topics from a number of unusual perspectives, including:

  • Evolutionary biology

  • Complex / living / natural systems

  • Human performance

  • Neuroscience

  • Anthropology

  • Sociology.

Audiences welcome the exploration of strategic topics through these novel lenses.

I am often invited as a panellist in order to weave my perspectives into the broader issues covered by the event.  

Here are some keynoting samples: 



Workshop facilitation

If your leadership already recognises that they need to rethink how they operate, then a workshop is a natural way forward. This provides an opportunity to:

  • Ensure the leadership team have a common understanding of how the world is changing and how they might respond.

  • Identify actions that can initiate the organisation's transitional journey.


The expertise needed to address the organisation's challenges typically resides within the workforce or the wider ecosystem. However there are some foundations to be laid before this expertise can be harnessed effectively.


I can help you with the preparing the necessary groundwork to thrive in an increasingly unknowable world.

Let's discuss the outcomes you are looking to achieve

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